Interactive story body swap

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As much as we all start with grand visions of making massive 64-map TC masterpieces, our lack of grip on the fundamentals forced most of us – especially in the innocence of the mid-90s – to start by recreating the places we knew best. Nobody making mods, or really, any creative work, starts fully-formed, as Walt Stanchfield’s old line about 10,000 bad drawings attests. Or at least, that’s how it presents itself. Somehow, this modest shard of history, this newbie wad by an outsider, grabbed a lot of attention for inadvertently bringing together so many pieces of what this community is, and has become… and more importantly, how it came together. Which brings us to MyHouse, a lightly remastered version of a childhood project, restored by a friend of its recently-deceased author in their honor. The carefree follies of youth have decayed into the swamplands of paperwork, careers, parenthood, aches, and, yes, the constant reminder – especially in recent years - of one’s own mortality. Doom is old now, and it follows that even as fresh new blood joins in, the community has gotten old as well.

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